
Research shows that mindfulness helps manage stress. Mindfulness means paying attention to what you're feeling and thinking right now, without judging or reacting to it. It can be hard at first, but you can start by practicing it every day. Doing mindfulness helps you feel calmer, less worried or sad, and can even help you sleep better. I use mindfulness with my clients to help them feel better and not let their thoughts or feelings control them. Mindfulness can be a helpful tool for dealing with anxiety, sadness, and stress.

Here are some examples of mindfulness exercises. You only need 5 to 15 minutes each day to practice them. If you make mindfulness a part of your daily routine, you'll be practicing it all day long.

When you’re eating, pay attention to how the food feels and tastes. Notice the first bite and how it feels as you chew slowly. Take a moment to observe how the food feels in your mouth and as it goes down your throat. Notice the flavors and smells.

When you’re walking in nature, pay attention to what’s around you. Listen to the birds singing, look at the trees, smell the fresh air, and feel the flowers.

When you’re taking a shower, pay attention to how the water feels as it touches your body. Notice the sensations as you wash. Massage your scalp and body gently, and really notice how you feel.

When you drink water, pay attention to how the cool water goes down your throat and into your stomach, and how it makes you feel full.


Exercises To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts